Maintaining records & Retirement plan for Family child care taxes

A family child care tax expert will present information on how to improve the results of your annual return and lower your tax bill.Instructor: Fred Kenyon & Kimberly NavaIn this workshop about Record-Keeping, a family child care tax expert will present information on how to improve the results of your annual return and lower your […]


Setting Boundaries with Children

Building Closeness and Cooperation through LimitsInstructor Julie Johnson, M.Ed. and BANANAS’ Parenting CoachAre power struggles with your child leaving you frustrated and exhausted? Every child has off-track moments—refusing to brush their teeth, being rough with the family pet, ignoring instructions, pestering their sibling. Conventional discipline techniques over smaller difficulties can sometimes escalate into mounting stress […]


Autocuidado del Proveedor

Los educadores de la primera infancia tienen un trabajo importante que puede ser muy gratificante, aunque a veces muy estresante.Instructor: Maria GomezLos educadores de la primera infancia tienen un trabajo importante que puede ser muy gratificante, aunque a veces muy estresante. Venga a aprender cómo lidiar y aliviar los factores estresantes cuidándose a sí mismo. […]


普通话报税/退休 (Tax Preparation/ Retirement, Mandarin Only)

在本次研讨会上,Anson Zeng(B.O.L. 高级税务会计师兼注册代理 EA) Global, Inc. - 将讨论家庭托儿所的税务准备工具和策略,以及退休信息/选择。Monday November 11th  | 6:30pm-8:30pmInstructor : Anson Zeng 在本次研讨会上,Anson Zeng(B.O.L. 高级税务会计师兼注册代理 EA) Global, Inc. - 将讨论家庭托儿所的税务准备工具和策略,以及退休信息/选择。加入我们吧!


RCP / primeros auxilios pediátricos

Este curso cumple con las regulaciones estatales de California de 8 horas para proveedores de cuidado infantil.Instructor: Gabriela MenesesLun –Mier .Nov. 11 - 13 | 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm, 2 horas practica en persona el Sáb, Nov. Sat. 16Este curso cumple con las regulaciones estatales de California de 8 horas para proveedores de cuidado […]

Parenting While Pursuing Your Personal Dreams

From one busy parent to another, a guide, as you pursue your dream AND raise a family.Facilitator: Diedre Goree, Parent CoachIt is important that kids are at the top of the list of things to do and an awesome model for our kids to see us pursuing our dreams.  Join us to discuss tips (from […]


Provider Self-Care

Early childhood educators have an important job that can be highly rewarding although sometimes highly stressful.Instructor: Maria GomezEarly childhood educators have an important job that can be highly rewarding although sometimes highly stressful. Come learn about how to cope with and alleviate stressors by taking care of yourself. Experience some healthy strategies to try when […]


Mantenimiento de registros para su Cuidado Infantil Familiar

Le ofrecerá la oportunidad de hacer preguntas y ganar confianza en el manejo de sus finanzas y la preparación de sus impuestos.Instructora: Fred Kenyon & Kimberly NavaEn este taller sobre mantenimiento de registros, un experto en impuestos de cuidado infantil familiar presentará información sobre cómo mejorar los resultados de su declaración anual y reducir su […]


Opening a Family Child Care Program

Are you thinking of opening your own family child care business?Instructor: Heng Chen Are you thinking of opening your own family child care business? If so, this free workshop is for you! Join us to talk about how to become a licensed provider. This is a great chance to meet with an expert who can […]


Abrir un programa de cuidado infantil familiar

Únase a nosotros para hablar sobre cómo convertirse en un proveedor cuidado infantil familiar.Instructor: Mayra Morales¿Está pensando en abrir su propio negocio de cuidado infantil familiar? Si es así, ¡estos talleres gratuitos son solo para ti! Únase a nosotros para hablar sobre cómo convertirse en un proveedor autorizado. BANANAS está aquí para ofrecer apoyo en […]


Choosing Child Care

Join BANANAS to explore the options so you can connect with the right child care provider.Facilitator: Cathy De Vuono, BANANAS Parent Education CoordinatorFinding child care for your infant, toddler or preschooler is one of the most important decisions you will make as a parent. There are a lot of things to consider, such as cost, […]


Early Literacy (English w/Chinese Translation)

From the early stages of childhood children begin to develop language and foundational reading skills.Instructor: Daisy AmezcuaFrom the early stages of childhood children begin to develop language and foundational reading skills. It’s important to nurture them as these will have a great impact on shaping future success. Through reading, rhyming, singing and other literacy rich […]

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