
Event Calendar
FFN Caregiver Services
These events are designed for families as well as Family, Friend, and Neighbors (FFN) caregivers who care for young children. FFN caregivers are grandparents, aunts, uncles, siblings, cousins, neighbors, and friends.
Are you an FFN? Please contact Family, Friends and Neighbor Program Coordinator, Mayra Morales for more information and resources.
Interested in other friend, family and neighbor events and resources in your area?
Join us for virtual and in person playgroups and discover the many wonderful ways that play inspires learning. Playgroups are free and open to the public to families with children ages birth – 5 years-old residing in Alameda County. Playgroups give children a place to pretend, play, celebrate music, create art, and dream up inventions while giving parents new parenting tools and learning about child development.
Playgroups are designed to be an ongoing series that builds upon each other each week and offer a space to connect with one another and build community. At each facilitated group, you will be introduced to new ideas to improve awareness of your children’s needs, learn about healthy child development, and better understand how to effectively support early learning and kinder-readiness. Register for a Playgroup and you will be signed up for the entire series. Registration is required.

Mayra Morales
510.658.7353 x162