EventsOpening a Family Child Care Program
Are you thinking of opening your own family child care business? If so, this free workshop is for you! Join us to talk about how to become a licensed family child care provider. BANANAS is here to offer support at every step. This is a great chance to meet with an...
Opening a Family Child Care Program
Are you thinking of opening your own family child care business? If so, this free workshop is for you!Are you thinking of opening your own family child care business? If so, this free workshop is for you! Join us to talk about how to become a licensed family child...
Desarrollando habilidades numéricas y más (Taller de 2 dias)
Los participantes aprenderán estrategias y actividades que desarrollan destrezas y conocimientos matemáticos apropiados para el desarrollo.ESTE TALLER SERA VIRTUAL 2 DIAS - Abril 9, 6:30pm-8:30pm y Abril 10, 6:30pm-8:30pmNeceita cometerse a los dos dias, porfavor. No...
本次 Family Child Care at Its Best 研討會探討為所有兒童提供豐富數學環境的指導. 獲得在幼兒時期建立適合發展的數學知識和技能的技術.本次 Family Child Care at Its Best 研討會探討為所有兒童提供豐富數學環境的指導....
Social Connections are an important factor in strengthening families Parents need to take care of their emotional needs. Socializing with friends has a positive mental and even physical impact on a person.This discussion will help guide you on how to fit your...
Construyendo Lugares Seguros
"Construyendo un Lugar Física y Psicológicamente Seguro"-Los participantes aprenderán sobre la diferencia entre la seguridad física y psicológica, como el trauma impacta el sentido de seguridad y como podemos promover la seguridad en con los niños y jóvenes que han...
From Aggression to Connection
In this workshop you’ll discover keys to address the underlying issues of aggression and how to prevent future outbursts. You don’t have to live with hitting, pushing, biting or pulling hair. Join the workshop to learn how to help your child be more loving,...
Hiring a Nanny 101
If you’re thinking of hiring a nanny, then this is the workshop for you! Hand in Hand: The Domestic Employers Network will discuss the details of being an employer, including your rights and responsibilities. The workshop will offer a variety of resources; tips for...
Supporting Challenging Behaviors
Do you ever struggle to figure out what your child might need? Do they ignore your requests or get easily upset making it hard to know how to respond? You’re not alone! Our children need clear parameters, the freedom to explore so they can learn from their mistakes...
Love it!! great idea.
Hi Eric: this is a voice from your far past. I am finally trying to clean out closets and have…
Hi Michelle, we currently don't offer any classes on that but please check out course catalog for any upcoming class…
Are there any free virtual classes for batterers I'm not a physically violent person but I got arrested for arguing…
Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us, and bringing out those excellent points. Making positive changes in the ECE…