This workshop series introduces parents and caregivers to the foundations of Positive Discipline. We will take a deeper look at misbehavior and what children are trying to achieve with it. This approach fosters cooperation, understanding and mutual respect rather than...
EventsCooperation and Encouragement (3 Part Series)
This workshop series introduces parents and caregivers to the foundations of Positive Discipline. We will take a deeper look at misbehavior and what children are trying to achieve with it. This approach fosters cooperation, understanding and mutual respect rather than...
Cooperation and Encouragement (3 Part Series)
This workshop series introduces parents and caregivers to the foundations of Positive Discipline. We will take a deeper look at misbehavior and what children are trying to achieve with it. This approach fosters cooperation, understanding and mutual respect rather than...
Communication & Sensory Skills
This workshop for new parents; early educators; grandparents and caregivers guides participants through strategies to help young children with communication and sensory challenges. Participants will also learn functional baby sign language and take off feeling...
Los Efectivos del Trauma
"Comprendiendo Los Efectos del Trauma"-Los participantes aprenderán sobre la importancia que tienen las experiencias en ayudarnos a aprender todo lo que necesitamos en la vida. Además, aprenderán con una tabla comparativa lo que ocurre con el cerebro dese los 0-18...
Baby & Me Yoga
Center, breathe, move and support one another with babies present, focus on easing tension and restoring alignment.This class is designed to assist new parents after birth, providing a supportive community-centered environment and an awareness of self-care. With their...
Baby & Me Yoga
This class is designed to assist new parents after birth, providing a supportive community-centered environment and an awareness of self-care. With their babies present, parents can focus on easing tensions, restoring alignment in the body, creating energy and...
Los Fundamentos del Trauma
"Los Fundamentos del Trauma"-Los participantes aprenderán que se considera un trauma, además discutirán las cuatro categorías principales en las que se dividen la mayoría de los traumas juntamente con las reacciones que los niños y jóvenes manifiestan a consecuencia...
Supporting Challenging Behavior (2-Part Series)
Children need clear parameters, freedom to explore and our unconditional love-join the discussionDo you ever struggle to figure out what your child might need? Do they ignore your requests or get easily upset making it hard to know how to respond? You’re not alone!...
Grupos de Juego Virtuales
Facilitadora: Mayra Morales Miércoles Enlace de Registración: Grupo de Juego Virtuales Ven y únete virtualmente para música y movimiento, arte y manualidades, cuentos, descubrimiento virtual, invitados especiales y más! Abierto a todos los residentes de la área de la...
Love it!! great idea.
Hi Eric: this is a voice from your far past. I am finally trying to clean out closets and have…
Hi Michelle, we currently don't offer any classes on that but please check out course catalog for any upcoming class…
Are there any free virtual classes for batterers I'm not a physically violent person but I got arrested for arguing…
Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us, and bringing out those excellent points. Making positive changes in the ECE…