Learn how to make tax season a breeze for family child care providers in this online event!Welcome to Simplifying Taxes for Family Child Care Providers!When you are a business owner, taxes are one of the most critical issues you face. We are here to help you with...
EventsOpening a Family Child Care Program
Are you thinking of opening your own family child care business? If so, this free workshop is for you!Are you thinking of opening your own family child care business? If so, this free workshop is for you! Join us to talk about how to become a licensed family child...
Professionalism in your Family Child Care
Learn what parents are looking for in a childcare provider, how to address parents' concerns, and how to handle difficult conversationsDeveloping a positive relationship with families is important to operating a successful child care business. Learn what parents are...
Abrir un programa de cuidado infantil familiar
¿Está pensando en abrir su propio negocio de cuidado infantil familiar?¿Está pensando en abrir su propio negocio de cuidado infantil familiar? Si es así, ¡estos talleres gratuitos son para ti! Únase a nosotros para hablar sobre cómo convertirse en un proveedor...
Opening A Child Care Center
Are you thinking of opening your own child care center ? If so, this free workshop is for you!Are you thinking of opening your own child care center ? If so, this free workshop is for you! Join us to talk about the steps on how to become a licensed provider. BANANAS...
Marketing Your Family Child Care Business
This class will guide participants in developing an effective marketing and promotion strategy.This class features many concrete ideas and will guide participants in developing an effective marketing and promotion strategy for their program. It will also support your...
Opening a Family Child Care Program
Are you thinking of opening your own family child care business? If so, this free workshop is for you!Are you thinking of opening your own family child care business? If so, this free workshop is for you! Join us to talk about how to become a licensed family child...
Preventive Health
This course meets the 8-hour California State regulations for child care providers.This course meets the 8-hour California State regulations for child care providers.THE ZOOM LINK WILL BE PROVIDED BY GABRIELA a day before the class.Instructor: Gabriela Meneses Feb....
Comercialización de su negocio de cuidado infantil familiar
Aprender cómo crear y modificar el manual para los padres. ¡Políticas para niños enfermos, vacunas y mucho más!En esta clase se presentarán muchas ideas concretas y guiará a las participantes en el desarrollo de una estrategia efectiva de mercadeo y promoción para su...
Profesionalismo en tu cuidado infantil
Desarrollar una relación positiva con las familias es importante para operar un negocio de cuidado infantil exitoso.Desarrollar una relación positiva con las familias es importante para operar un negocio de cuidado infantil exitoso. Aprenda lo que los padres de...
Love it!! great idea.
Hi Eric: this is a voice from your far past. I am finally trying to clean out closets and have…
Hi Michelle, we currently don't offer any classes on that but please check out course catalog for any upcoming class…
Are there any free virtual classes for batterers I'm not a physically violent person but I got arrested for arguing…
Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us, and bringing out those excellent points. Making positive changes in the ECE…