by Karen D'Souza who covers early education at EdSource Going back to school is always a bit of a sticky transition, but this year there’s more to worry about, from teacher shortages to mask rules, than the usual concerns. On top of all that, there are many more...
Early Childhood EducationMale Early Child Care Professionals Matter!
Written by Sharon Shi We need more men to break the stereotype of the female-dominated child care industry in today’s gender equity world. From the Hechinger Report, males total only 3% of early childhood educators (1). In our society and history, we have these very...
Attitudes of Gratitude
Do you remember reading the back of cereal boxes, playing with empty boxes, and banging on pots and pans? Whatever happened to the enjoyment of the little things? The holidays are vastly approaching and we have the opportunity to be intentional about defining what we...
Tell me early educators, what is your math story?
Think back to when you were nine years old. You are sitting in your 4th-grade class and your teacher announces it is time for a timed multiplication test. What is your reaction? Do you get a rush of excitement over the thrill of a timed brain rush, or do your palms...
BANANAS Honors New board Member Nancy Harvey for Women’s History Month
March is Women’s History Month, which serves as a helpful reminder to highlight the contributions of the women in our lives. This month, we are honoring a woman who is a child care provider, child care advocate, a proud member of SEIU Local 521, and a new Board Member...
Love it!! great idea.
Hi Eric: this is a voice from your far past. I am finally trying to clean out closets and have…
Hi Michelle, we currently don't offer any classes on that but please check out course catalog for any upcoming class…
Are there any free virtual classes for batterers I'm not a physically violent person but I got arrested for arguing…
Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us, and bringing out those excellent points. Making positive changes in the ECE…