Written by Sharon Shi We need more men to break the stereotype of the female-dominated child care industry in today’s gender equity world. From the Hechinger Report, males total only 3% of early childhood educators (1). In our society and history, we have these very...
EducationTell me early educators, what is your math story?
Think back to when you were nine years old. You are sitting in your 4th-grade class and your teacher announces it is time for a timed multiplication test. What is your reaction? Do you get a rush of excitement over the thrill of a timed brain rush, or do your palms...
The Fall Challenge for School-Age Parents by Heather Lang-Heaven
So many parents didn’t think we would be here again: our kids back in school with a remote setup looking similar to how we wrapped up last Spring! The pandemic lasting longer than originally thought has meant distance learning has kicked off again for Bay Area kids...
Love it!! great idea.
Hi Eric: this is a voice from your far past. I am finally trying to clean out closets and have…
Hi Michelle, we currently don't offer any classes on that but please check out course catalog for any upcoming class…
Are there any free virtual classes for batterers I'm not a physically violent person but I got arrested for arguing…
Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us, and bringing out those excellent points. Making positive changes in the ECE…